Fundamental concepts in Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang help us to interpret natural phenomena and the human body, understanding their imbalances and possible ways of re-balancing.

The main exponent of this theory was Zou Yan (350-270 B.C.) who - following the teachings of the Yin-Yang or Naturalist School - dedicated himself to the study of Yin and Yang and the 5 elements with the intention of interpreting Nature for the benefit of man, but without the intention of dominating it but acting in harmony with its laws.
Later schools of thought, such as Neo-Confucianism, used this knowledge to form a coherent moral, ethical, and metaphysical philosophy of Nature, Ethics, Social Order, and Astrology.

The ideogram of Yin and Yang respectively represent the gloomy side (Yin) and the sunny side (Yang) of the mountain.

Careful observation of the phenomena of nature - such as the alternation of day (Yang) and night (Yin), moon (Yin) and Sun (Yang), summer (Yang) and winter (Yin) - led ancient thinkers to the extension of these concepts to all aspects that alternate cyclically, that are opposed to each other but complementary.
This is how the first correspondences were obtained:
Heaven - Earth
Sun - Moon
Light - Shadow
Activity - Rest
Time - Space
Left - Right
Circular - Flat
East - West
Male – Female
Yin and Yang are the expression of the duality of reality in time, two cyclic and opposite stages. The whole universe manifests itself thanks to the alternation of these two phases, and each phenomenon contains a Yin and a Yang aspect in different measures at the same time.
Midnight is Maximum Yin
Dawn is the germ of Yang awakening (growth of Yang)
Midday is Maximum Yang
Dusk is the germ of Yin that presents itself (growth of Yin)
Winter is Maximum Yin
Spring is the germ of Yang awakening (growth of Yang)
Summer is Maximum Yang
Autumn is the germ of Yin that presents itself (growth of Yin)

Everything changes polarity and form, and while the most immaterial aspects are Yang, the densest and most solid are Yin. Yang is activity, creation, elevation, and Yin is nourishment, condensation, descent.

The most well-known symbol of the Yin-Yang theory is Tai Ji which means "The Supreme Essence". It represents the close interdependence of Yin and Yang and their four fundamental characteristics:
1) Yin and Yang are opposite stages but form the same unity and are complementary
2) Yang contains the germ of Yin and vice versa. It is represented by the black and white dots
3) Nothing is totally Yin or Yang
4) Yang transforms into Yin and vice versa
The earliest references to Yin and Yang are found in a book written around 700 B.C. called Yi Jing, the "Books of Changes" (700 B.C.). In this book, Yin and Yang were represented by dashed (Yin) and continuous (Yang) lines. From here originates another well-known symbol: the Tai Ji inscribed in the 8 Trigrams, which represent the possible phenomena of the universe and their origin in the cycle of Yin and Yang.

Yin and Yang are opposite aspects but they coexist and are at the same time. It is an internal contradiction that generates motive force in all phenomena. Its balance is dynamic and constant.
One cannot exist without the other, they are interdependent. Night does not exist without day, there is no energy without matter, no expansion without contraction.
In addition, Yin and Yang are in constant balance. If one becomes unbalanced, the other is inevitably affected. So for an excess of Yang, we will have a weakness of Yin. Or by a predominance of Yin, Yang will be weakened.
The theory of Yin and Yang is the conceptual basis of the Traditional Chinese Method, physiology, valuation and treatment. Each sign can be narrowed down and analyzed in the light of the theory of Yin and Yang.
An acupuncturist can help you identify your energetic state thanks to this important theory, considering the primary cause of the imbalance in order to intervene correctly and provide an energetic benefit to the body.
There are 4 possibilities of imbalance in the Yin and Yang of the body:
1. Predominance of Yang
2. Predominance of Yin
3. Weakness of the Yang
4. Weakness of Yin

[2] Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Giovanni Maciocia